最新消息子宮頸癌之新型生物標誌:PAX1基因iStat Biomedical shows potential methylation marker for cervical cancer screening2014.06.19
最新消息日祥獲多家醫學中心支持進行前期多中心臨床研究,驗證甲基化基因標記作為子宮頸癌檢測方法iStat Biomedical supported multi-center clinical study: a validation of methylation biomarker for cervical cancer detection2014.05.03
最新消息日祥受邀參加第三屆海峽兩岸醫藥品研發合作研討會iStat Bomedical invited to the 3rd Cross-Strait drug research and development cooperation symposium2013.12.11
最新消息恭賀:日祥將與馬來西亞DNA Research Centre (M) Sdn Bhd 建立合作聯盟iStat Biomedical announces collaboration with the Malaysia DNA Research Centre(M) Sdn Bhd.2013.01.09
最新消息恭賀:獲得ISO 13485:2003與ISO 9001:2000 國際品質認證iStat Biomedical announces the receipt of ISO13485:2003 and ISO 9001:2000 certification2011.01.06