活動快訊日祥應邀參加第八屆中國藥業研發國際峰會iStat Biomedical presents data at the 8th Chinese pharmaceutical Research and Development International Summit2013.05.20
最新消息恭賀:日祥將與馬來西亞DNA Research Centre (M) Sdn Bhd 建立合作聯盟iStat Biomedical announces collaboration with the Malaysia DNA Research Centre(M) Sdn Bhd.2013.01.09
活動快訊參加AOGIN 2012會議暨參展iStat Biomedical presents at the AOGIN 20122012.07.10
最新消息恭賀:獲得ISO 13485:2003與ISO 9001:2000 國際品質認證iStat Biomedical announces the receipt of ISO13485:2003 and ISO 9001:2000 certification2011.01.06